
Valican - Discipline Priest
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Author:  Valican [ Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Valican - Discipline Priest

Character Information:

1) What class/spec do you play?
Discipline priest, with a shadow offspec. It's generally Disc/Holy but I don't find holy to be necessary with anything I'm doing at the moment.

2) What is your armory link? (Please Log off in your raiding gear) ... n/advanced

3) What is your Battletag?
Teresa#1334 (You added me already.)

Personal Information:

4) Are you 17 or older?
Yes, 21.

5) Can you communicate in English?

Computer Information:

6) Can your computer handle 25-Man raids without any issues?
Yes, 60 fps.

7) Do you have a working mic, and do you know how to use it?
Yes, and yes.

8) Do you have a stable internet connection?

9) Mumble & DBM are required. Will that be an issue?
No, I have and use both.

Player Information:

10) What is your raiding experience? (Please focus mostly on current content)
I just started raiding current content this expansion. I DPS'd during MSV and had to switch mains for our group to progress. We were only 5/13H in ToT, but became a more serious group this tier. We're currently 10/14H.

11) How prepared do you show up to raids?
I'm an alchemist and always have mats on me. I've always been provided with food/feasts but I can accommodate for that if they are personal responsibility.

12) What is your availability on Tuesdays & Thursdays (9:00pm - 12:30am EST)?
The times and days are perfect for me, I will never miss a raid except for special (and rare) occasions. (will always know long in advance)

Additional Information:

13) What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave?
Something Wicked on Kil'Jaeden; we moved servers and it essentially died, so I looked for an active guild to raid casually in. Vendetta at the beginning of this expansion, and lastly Distortion. Distortion was a spinoff of Vendetta, there was a problem and some drama with veteran players feeling entitled to raid spots regardless of their performance, so we left and formed a more serious group with the people that could carry their weight. Our GM has tried recruitment since our schedules are not meshing well together, but our roster is small and unstable now, so after a couple months of painfully trying to progress without a consistent 10, we've decided to go our separate ways.

14) Are there any <Gloryhogs> members that can vouch for you?

15) Please provide us with an up to date World of Logs (NO LFR!!!)
I suppose this is a fault, but I hope you'll understand that spell counts became more relaxed as I became more geared, and that healing 10M is a slightly different animal as far as spot healing and saving individual lives is concerned.

16) Is there anything else that you feel must be mentioned in your application?
There has always been some controversy over 25M vs. 10M as far as skill is concerned. I understand that 25M requires many more people to coordinate together, but as a healer, I personally think that in 10M there is a lot more personal responsibility and precision that needs to go into how you use each GCD. I by no means mean to bash 25M healing, it's just a different style of healing since the loss of 1 person has a much higher impact, I do tend to spot heal more and do less raid-blanketing, so that will be reflected in my logs. I hope that my experience being in 10M will not be a turn-off in your consideration of recruiting me; I am a quick learner and will of course be open to advice and critique for adapting to 25M mechanics/priority.

Here's the link to my UI...I just toggled everything on except DBM. DBM timers queue to the right of my focus and move right below where my focus is as the timer runs down. I'll have to tweak it some for 25M but this is more or less how I like my UI.

Author:  Idea [ Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valican - Discipline Priest

Hi, will add you to btag after work and will message you :)

Author:  Valican [ Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valican - Discipline Priest

Someone has my character name on Smolderthorn...(boooo)

I transferred a few hours ago, I'm now Smite@Smolderthorn. Looking forward to running with you guys. (=

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