
Holy Priest
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Author:  Shavana [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Holy Priest

Character Information:

1) What class/spec do you play?

2) What is your armory link? (Please Log off in your raiding gear) ... na/simple3)

What is your Battletag?

Personal Information:

4) Are you 17 or older?
Yes, 22

5) Can you communicate in English?

Computer Information:

6) Can your computer handle 25-Man raids without any issues?
Yes I have road runner cable with 50fps always.

7) Do you have a working mic, and do you know how to use it?
Yes to both.

8) Do you have a stable internet connection?

9) Mumble & DBM are required. Will that be an issue?
No I use DBM already and am very willing to download mumble.

Player Information:

10) What is your raiding experience? (Please focus mostly on current content)

Vanilla MC BWL AQ20 were full clears and relevant AQ40 we got half way through. Naxx 40 we barley touched it. after this point BC came out and the guild changed from semi-hardcore to semi-casual the only relevant progression was Kara where we ended up full clear right before SCC and TK none of which was really relevant when we cleared both. we cleared half of BT before sunwell and never touched it. Wotlk came out and full cleared naxx and maly when it was relevant. As a guild we cleared half of Ulduar before ToC which I was able to down with another guild I believe before ICC. I was able to clear ICC normal and like 4 heroic bosses before Cata. In data BWD I went 4/6 bot 3/4 before the guild disbanded which lead to me to leave the game missing firelands. Came back for Deathwing and went 8/8 normal 6/8 heroic. MOP Im currently 3/6 HoF and 4/7 MV

How prepared do you show up to raids?
I come with flasks, pots, fully repaired before raid, and with prior research of boss strats before raid.

12) What is your availability on Tuesdays & Thursdays (9:00pm - 12:30am EST)?
I will be able to make these time no problem.

Additional Information:

13) What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave?

Khadgar 1 Murder by numbers(MC-vanilla to ToC-wotlk)semi hard core- semi casual. I left with a few others cause we felt as if leadership wasn't looking to our progression. We felt as if we weren't on the same page and we were looking for progression. 2 Void( ICC-wotlk) This as a very hardcore guild, literally run by a 16 year old who was very bias towards his friends even though he said he wasn't. long story short I couldn't take his crap anymore and I left. ( might I ad this guild lasted no more that 4-5 months.) 3 Obsidian( ICC) casual Wotlk was coming and so did this guild. People stop showing up to raids and was declared dead. I left after that. 4. Sauce( bot, BWD Cata)Hard core Long story short leader ship issues, people stopped showing up, guild died, I quit. ---- 8 months after quitting the game My cousin begs my to join his guild so I transfer to Laughing skull 5 Sons of Anarchy (late Firelands to present) Casual. I'm looking to leave because people fail to show up, give 100% each night, and lack of progression. Transferred a week ago to Executus to join Escaped from arcatraz. They were 25man oriented and due to lack of attendance by other they changed to 10 man so since I was an applicant, I was ousted. Though they did want to keep me as a sub role.

14) Are there any <Gloryhogs> members that can vouch for you?
No; Im from a different server.

15) Please provide us with an up to date World of Logs (NO LFR!!!) ... alingDone/

16) Is there anything else that you feel must be mentioned in your application?

As a long time wow player I'm proud to say I'm a dedicated and reliable player. Other good qualities I possess are being a good listener, research my class and boss fights, Honest, quick learner, dedicated, and willing to help others. Also when I was 16 years old I suffered a brain aneurism, which left me paralyzed on my left side of my body. Don't worry or feel bad I'm alive and was able to rehab a good portion of it back to semi normal functioning. Though the damage done to my brain that controls my left side was to sever to make function in my left hand. As this may look bad upon deciding whether to accept me. Let it be known I have still competed at a very high level in game at hardcore levels. (This I understand you must decided for yourself and the best interest for you). I hope in light of telling you this that you believe me.

Also due to the situation from Efa, an officer is willing to vouch for me if you feel like you would want proof, that I am a reliable raider.

Author:  Unghanda [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

I am currently out of town but will contact you tomorrow night.

Thank you.

Author:  Shavana [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

Ok, great! Thanks for the quick response!

Author:  Idea [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

:shock: A priest to look at!

Your armory link appears broken, did you already transfer? Can you please link again?

Author:  Shavana [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest ... ana/simple

no I did not transfer yet. I trasnferred to this server i'm currectly on a week ago, but I'd think it be updated by now. O.o

Author:  Idea [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

Thanks! Holy was my main spec for years until the last month or so where I have been almost permanently healing as disc. Things look ok to me :) Any differences are personal preference. YouÔÇÖve chosen stats on your chest instead of straight spirit and int/mastery gems instead of spirit/mastery for your yellow sockets but if you are comfortable with your regen then going for the throughput is fine.

I find most holy priests are not using the COH glyph; many have opted for either POM or Renew (depending on haste breakpoints) for throughput or Inner Sanctum for survivability but this is a personal preference and glyphs/talents are easily changeable per fight.

I see you are also shadow specÔÇÖd, are you able to swap between shadow and holy if needed or are you just straight holy?

Author:  Shavana [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

Idea wrote:
Thanks! Holy was my main spec for years until the last month or so where I have been almost permanently healing as disc. Things look ok to me :) Any differences are personal preference. YouÔÇÖve chosen stats on your chest instead of straight spirit and int/mastery gems instead of spirit/mastery for your yellow sockets but if you are comfortable with your regen then going for the throughput is fine.

I find most holy priests are not using the COH glyph; many have opted for either POM or Renew (depending on haste breakpoints) for throughput or Inner Sanctum for survivability but this is a personal preference and glyphs/talents are easily changeable per fight.

I see you are also shadow specÔÇÖd, are you able to swap between shadow and holy if needed or are you just straight holy?

Well renew glyph is really only good if your going to stack haste and with the hours of research I've done, yes hours haha.. The general consensus was that your heals currently benefit more from mastery than haste at the moment. I've tested it out and I'd have to agree. Which is why it lead me not to use the renew glyph. As for PoM I've used it at first but with the 4 set I believe it will be better. I guess though its more preference still. Also a lot of Priest weren't using CoH also because of mana issues, from what I know.

Actually I just switched to shadow as my off spec because its 10x easier to do dailies with shadow than disc. I don't plan on raiding with my off spec unless it's something you guys really want. Which if thats the case I need to fix the spec. I don't have much by the way of gear for it also.

Author:  Idea [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

Glyph of Renew is purely situational, on a fight like Tsulong where you are switching between HW: Sanctuary for raid healing and HW: Serenity for boss healing being glyphed for renew is a obvious choice because when you are healing your renew is constantly being refreshed therefore the extra 33% healing increase on renew is very nice but that is just one fight, if you do not use renew on other encounters then glyphing for it is of course not worth it. As for it only being only useful when stacking high amounts of haste, yes and no. You can glyph for it if you are below the 1st haste break point of 3039 or if you are at/above the 2nd haste break point of 4721 but shouldn't if you are in between the break points. The 1st haste break point gives Holy that extra tick of renew, glyphing for it kind of defeats its purpose.

Anyways, nice chatting with you, it is rare to get priest applications so when I see one it is always nice to talk priest with them before hand. I am sure the higher powers that be will get back to you. Good Luck on your application :)

Author:  Shavana [ Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

Always nice to chat with another priest. Its nice to have another point of view. Well see what happens and hope for the best! Nice chatting with you!

Author:  Unghanda [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy Priest

I just arrived home, I will be contacting you in the next hour or so.

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