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 Post subject: Former Raider - Gorty
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:58 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:39 am
Posts: 51
Character Information:

1) What class/spec do you play?
Resto Druid (want to raid naxx with) Have raid ready holy priest, hunter

2) What is your armory link? (Please Log off in your raiding gear)
Can't in classic but you can see what sets i have in screenshots

3) What is your Battletag?

Personal Information:

4) Are you 17 or older?
Yes, 36

5) Can you communicate in English?

Computer Information:

6) Can your computer handle 25-Man raids without any issues?
Yes, 144+

7) Do you have a working mic, and do you know how to use it?
Yes on both.

8) Do you have a stable internet connection?

9) Mumble & DBM are required. Will that be an issue?
Hoping you moved on to discord?

Player Information:

10) What is your raiding experience? (Please focus mostly on current content)
Retail - Raided with Gloryhogs at end of Cata. Stopped raiding for next expansion. Classic I've cleared all content so far.

11) How prepared do you show up to raids?
Mana pots, Runes, and sometimes flask of distilled wisdom if short on healers or new content.

12) What is your availability on Tuesdays & Thursdays (9:00pm - 12:30am EST)?
Will always be online for raids.

Additional Information:

13) What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave?
Current guild Faded on Skeram. Looking to downsize. Currently a Class Lead / Officer for 2 raid teams. 4 days a week.

14) Are there any <Gloryhogs> members that can vouch for you?
Anyone that may remember me from cata

15) Please provide us with an up to date World of Logs (NO LFR!!!) ... eram/gorty

16) Is there anything else that you feel must be mentioned in your application?
Looking to kick back and enjoy classic Naxx. Come prepared and ready to pump.

** Please attach a screenshot of your UI, preferably in a raiding environment **
+Healing set
8pc T2 for raid healing fights


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