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 Post subject: Unghanda - Mage (Sample Application)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:08 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:16 pm
Posts: 556
Character Information:

1) What class/spec do you play?
Fire Mage.

2) What is your armory link? (Please Log off in your raiding gear)

3) What is your Battletag?

Personal Information:

4) Are you 17 or older?
Yes, 27.

5) Can you communicate in English?

Computer Information:

6) Can your computer handle 25-Man raids without any issues?
Yes, always at 60FPS.

7) Do you have a working mic, and do you know how to use it?
Yes on both.

8) Do you have a stable internet connection?

9) Mumble & DBM are required. Will that be an issue?
Not at all, have both of them installed already.

Player Information:

10) What is your raiding experience? (Please focus mostly on current content)
I have killed 13/13HM T11, 7/7HM T12, 8/8HM T13, 16/16HM T14, T15 13/13HM, and 14/14HM currently on T16; all on 25-Man.

11) How prepared do you show up to raids?
I bring enough consumables to last me for an entire raid night (Potions, Flasks, Food Buffs).

12) What is your availability on Tuesdays & Thursdays (9:00pm - 12:30am EST)?
Will always be online for raids.

Additional Information:

13) What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave?
Entropy, and Epic back in vanilla WoW. Guilds ended up disbanding.

14) Are there any <Gloryhogs> members that can vouch for you?
Yes; Ketoh, Idea, Tirinus, Sonata, Nikkelz, and Sorry.

15) Please provide us with an up to date World of Logs (NO LFR!!!)

16) Is there anything else that you feel must be mentioned in your application?
I am a dedicated player, that has been a raid leader for several years now. I also have no problem with criticism, and am willing to learn from my mistakes.

** Please attach a screenshot of your UI, preferably in a raiding environment **

WoWScrnShot_032014_231315.jpg [ 2.26 MiB | Viewed 18671 times ]
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